My Rants<3

Monday, July 23, 2007
8:05 AM

Awamoto Kairei:- Very cute person. Charming in cuteness. Likes to help. Happy-go-lucky. Easily panicked. Cousin of Kairi. Currently staying with Kairi's parents because his parents were in Hokkaido. Fully aware. Has crush on Kaori/Kaoru but was rejected (Ha..ha..ha..). Kaoto's neighbour from Miyano's house. Caring towards Kaoto. Likes to accompany Kaoto. Scatterbrain.

Awamoto Kairi:- Cute and gentle. Soft-spoken person. Dislike violence. Peaceful person. Cousin of Kairei. Close to Kairei and acknowledge him as brother. More clever better than Kairei. Likes Science. He has crush on Ami Hamasaki, the singer who will transfer to his school. To be a scientist. Likes to read a books about nature, earth, body, biology, chemistery or I should say all in Science. Has bad impression on Kaori/Kaoru.

Migimoto Katsuya:- A very annoying person yet it's fun to friend with him. A lively person and accept any challenge but timid and rather stupid when it comes to love. Friend of Kaoto from kindergarten but transfered to Hokkaido with his mother. Recently, he's got to stay with his father in Tokyo. A bit brainy. Shy with the person he likes. Loves to play around in the class (Mostly in Class 2-3) because there's no teacher around mostly in that class.

(Next would be Misaki and Mika....)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Sincerely, Yamaki

Monday, June 18, 2007
1:53 AM

3. Saigumi Miyano:- Kaoto's mother. Young and beautiful. Her innocent made his son worried and caring. She may divorced Kaito, but they're still always contact each other as best friend. She'll going to marry Kamio. She chose Kamio because of his kindness. Happy-go-lucky.

4. Nishiyama Kaito:- Kaoto's father. A very supportive and happy-go-lucky. Like to give advices. Ready to help. He convinced himself that Miyano is best friend. Kaoto regarde him as Kaoto's best friend. Like to take Kaoto on holidays. Simply lovee Kaoto!!

5. Nakashima Kamio:- Kaori's father. Very kind. Likes to smile. Simply adore Kaoto. He chose Miyano because she had a son. And that's make Kaori's dream come true to has a big brother. He sold his house and stayed at Miyano's house. (That's why Kaoto moved Kaito's house to avoid from Kaori).

(Next would be Kairi and Kairei....)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Sincerely, Yamaki

Sunday, June 17, 2007
8:41 AM

1. Nishiyama Kaoto:- [Before Mainichi Yuuki start] An ordinary boy with an average grades in his studies. Always look forward for an enjoyable, adventurous and blissful day but it turned to mess and upside-down. Which is Merry-go-around. Currently staying with his single mother, Miyano but only staying with his father, Kaito on holidays. But stay with father after Miyano remarried. Doesn't care people soo much. Hates annoying person!! Likes sushi, teddy bear, piggy, egg and mostly DORAYAKI. A bit blur. Very caring to his mother because his mother is young innocent and beautiful.
[Mainichi Yuuki] Miyano is going to marry a sucessful businessman named Nakashima Kamio, Kaoto proud for her that she'd able to find her happiness. But after knowing that Kamio had a daughter aged like him, he begin to felt bewilder because they've already met each other in very disrespect way. There he got to through with his bully-stepsister.

2. Nakashima Kaori:- [Before Mainichi Yuuki] Kaori is a boastful girl. She is lived a high-standard life because her father, Kamio is a successful businessman which was counted as rich person. She bully-type of girl. Mostly her prey of her buliness are boys. Her mother left her when she still small. Always wanted a big brother but never thought his stepbrother could be Kaoto. When she first met eyes on Kaoto, she entirely hates him most than ever!!! That's why Kaoto called her 'Kaoru' (mainly for boys).
[Mainichi Yuuki] When the both of them living each other, they'd getting to know each other's feeling, emotions, sadness, happiness and enjoyness. That time Kaori, slowly began to mature and less anger. She knew that she felt good and safe when she with Kaoto beside her.

(I did only post two of character... Will post pictures too... Matte te..)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Sincerely, Yamaki

Macam2 aku nk cerita... Ini semua berkenaan dgn yamaki. YAMAKI. YAMAKI ngan yamaki. Mula-mula pasal Kurosagi undwebbed. Pastu Proposal Daisakusen. Pastu Mainichi Yuuki. Pastu Nodame Cantabile. Pastu Byakkotai Madness.

Kt sini lah review2 bg kalu anda mau tau mengenai lanjutannya. Ok, lepas ni apa? klau bg yg tk sabar ni bleh sila datang kt sini. First aku nk revie citer Mainichi Yuuki sbb aku skrg ni tgh syok bikin. Pasti korang terhibur bila baca. Mcm nk rak klau aku buat manga. Boleh pengsason!!!!

Aku lah itu je aku mau kasi tau.... Dadaa...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Sincerely, Yamaki

All about yourself(:
June 2007

designed by minty(: